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Beara - History and Stories from the Peninsula

 by Gerard Harrington



 Historians, whose unique discipline propels them on an endless search for truth about the past in the light of insights and values of the present, are today coming increasingly under attack from the opponents of revisionism who warn them not to tamper with the sacred canons of the country’s history.
    As a people we are often accused of abusing our history by employing it to support entrenched and dogmatic attitudes in the present. We must recognise that history is not a fixed body of knowledge and that the conclusions of historians must necessarily change over time in the light of new evidence and fresh insight. Revision is an integral part of the historian’s craft and one could argue that the historian has a duty to use the fruits of his research to create a balanced public perception of the past.
    At local level we must continue to promote a greater awareness in what is of value in our surroundings. We can encourage the recording and preservation of our heritage from the built environment and at the same time we must not neglect another rapidly diminishing resource - the recollections and interpretations of the past which are stored in the memories of our older generation. The high standard of the stories in this publication gives some idea of the wealth which awaits the local historian both in the documentary sources and in local tradition.
    We hope that this, our second book, will stimulate you to a heightened awareness of our rich heritage in Beara and will encourage you to become a more active participant in local historical activities. We hope that this book will be of interest to all, and will encourage people to "dig up" memories of the past, and put on tape or paper the reminiscences of the older folk before all is forgotten, and the younger people will therefore not miss out on an important part of their heritage.
Gerard Harrington.