Beara Peninsula Heritage PhotoSite

Castletownbere, Beara, West Cork, Ireland. ©2020
Home > Days of Yore

Most viewed - Days of Yore
Group of locals735 viewsOutside the Royal Naval Hotel, West End, Castletownbere. Early 1900’s
The old Pier at Bantry734 viewsThe Bantry Bay Steamship Company commenced a thrice-weekly service between Bantry and Castletown Berehaven in 1883 with the 'SS Countess of Bantry’.
This vessel was followed by the 'Princess Beara' in 1901. Other vessels operated by Bantry Bay Steamship Co. were the 'SS Lady Elise' and the 'Lady Betty Balfour,' which operated a passenger service between Bantry and Glengarriff. Passenger sailings on the Bantry Bay route ceased in the 1940’s.
John 'the Yank' Harrington732 viewsBeara and Butte
(3/10/1903 - 2/2/2004)
Princess Beara731 viewsThe S.S Princess Beara
Gigs726 viewsGigs at the Wooden Pier. Castletownbere Regatta. 1970's
Lightkeepers Dwellings, Castletownbere723 views
Dursey Island Fishermen on their way home. 1930’s720 views
Countess of Bantry713 viewsS.S Countess of Bantry
Ogham Stone. Kilcaskin708 viewsKilcaskin Church, Adrigole
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