Beara Peninsula Heritage PhotoSite

Castletownbere, Beara, West Cork, Ireland. ©2020
Most viewed
Plowing on Dursey Island518 viewsPloughing in Dursey Island in the old days when the island had a large population
Dunboy Castle518 views
The Hag of Beara518 viewsAn Cailleach Bheara
Blessing of the Ball Alley in 1977517 viewsJohn Enright (Cork Board), Donal Holland, Seamus Lordan, Billy Power, Danny Hurley, Michael Lordan, Jeremiah Sheehan,Canon Keane, Donal Harrington, C. Jones (Handball Council)
Parking517 viewsNo problem with parking in Castletownbere back in 1939
USS Utah515 viewsUSS Utah with baloon in Berehaven Harbour,1918
Communion Group514 viewsMay 1971
The Old Church Castletownbere 1909514 views
Politics514 viewsPolitics as it should be: Addressing the crowd in the Square, Castletownbere 1932
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