Beara Peninsula Heritage PhotoSite

Castletownbere, Beara, West Cork, Ireland. ©2020
Most viewed
Johnny Sheehan529 viewsJohnny Sheehan, Filane during a mine sweeping operation. He is 2nd to left with head bowed
The Old Pier528 viewsThe Old Wooden Pier. This photo looking out towards Bere Island with Dinish Island in foreground was taken in the 1930's from the roof of the Church of the Sacred Heart, Castletownbere
Fairday Castletownbere527 viewsEarly image of Fairday in the Square
Monastic Ruin Dursey Island525 views
Dancing at Dunboy525 viewsDancing at Dunboy in the 1960’s: (Suggested): Monica Holland, Mairead O’Driscoll, Pauline Hurley, Gillian Murphy, Sean O’Sullivan, Donal Sullivan, Aidan Downey, Peter Harrington, Mairead O’Sullivan, Edel Murphy, Pauline O’Brien, Zita Harrington and Deirdre FitzPatrick

O'Shea's522 viewsThe Church Gate, Castletownbere
The ‘Lady Elsie’520 viewsBerthed alongside the landing, Glengarriff
Crowd on the Old Pier519 viewsRegatta Day, Castletownbere
Halfway House. Glengarriff518 views
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